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Toxicity of nickel and cadmium in spruce seedlings: Effect of separated and combined treatments on peroxidase and superoxide-dismutase activity

dc.creatorRadotić, Ksenija
dc.creatorDučić, T.
dc.creatorProdanović, Radivoje
dc.creatorVujčić, Z.
dc.creatorKaradžić, B.
dc.creatorAntić-Jovanović, S.
dc.description.abstractProučavana je aktivnost slobodnih peroksidaza i superoksid-dismutaza izoenzimski profil peroksidaza i sadržaj metala u četinama dvogodišnjih smrča gajenih na zemljištu u koje su dodavani kadmijum i nikl u koncentracijama 3 do 30 mg kg -1 i 50 do 500 mg kg -1 respektivno. Metali su dodavani na dva načina: zasebno i istovremeno. Kinetika usvajanja metala i ukupna akumulirana količina zavisili su od vrste tretmana. U tretiranim izdancima došlo je do povećanja peroksidazne aktivnosti u slučaju tretmana kadmijumom i nikl/kadmijumom, kao i superoksid-dismutazne aktivnosti u toku tretmana nikl/kadmijumom, u odnosu na netretirane biljke. Istovremeno je došlo do promene izoenzimskog sastava peroksidaza. Koncentracija akumuliranih metala u četinama je bila u dobroj korelaciji sa enzimskim aktivnostima. Pokazano je da je uticaj kadmijuma na merene parametre jači u poređenju sa uticajem nikla. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da peroksidazna i superoksid-dismutazna aktivnost i izoenzimski profil peroksidaza mogu da se koriste za procenu kapaciteta jednog dela zaštitnog sistema u izdancima smrče u odnosu na stres izazvan
dc.description.abstractWe studied the soluble peroxidase and superoxid-dismutase activity peroxidase isoenzyme pattern and metal content in the needles of 2-year-old spruce grown on soils supplemented with cadmium and nickel concentrations from 3 to 30 mg kg -1 and 50 to 500 mg kg -1 respectively. The two metals were applied both separately and simultaneously. The kinetics of metal assimilation and total accumulated quantity depended on the type of treatment. Following metal exposure, an increase in peroxidase activity in the seedlings treated with Cd and Ni/Cd, and in superoxide-dismutase activity during Ni/Cd treatment was observed. A parallel change of peroxidase isoenzyme pattern occurred. There was a good correlation between accumulated metals in needles and enzyme activities. The effect of Cd on the measured parameters was shown to be stronger comparing to the effect of Ni. The results obtained show that peroxidase and superoxide-dismutase activity and peroxidase isoenzyme pattern could be used to evaluate the capacity of one part of the defense system in spruce seedlings to with-stand metal stress.en
dc.publisherDruštvo medicinskih biohemičara Srbije i Crne Gore, Beograd i Univerzitet u Beogradu - Farmaceutski fakultet, Beograd
dc.sourceJugoslovenska medicinska biohemija
dc.subjectslobodni radikalisr
dc.subjectenzimska indukcijasr
dc.subjectfree radicalsen
dc.subjectenzyme inductionen
dc.titleToksičnost nikla i kadmijuma u četinama smrče: uticaj zasebnih i kombinovanih tretmana na peroksidaznu i superoksid-dismutaznu aktivnostsr
dc.titleToxicity of nickel and cadmium in spruce seedlings: Effect of separated and combined treatments on peroxidase and superoxide-dismutase activityen
dc.citation.other22(1): 41-52

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