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dc.contributorNonić, Marina
dc.contributorŠijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana
dc.contributorVilotić, Dragica
dc.contributorŠumarac, Predrag
dc.contributorMaksimović, Filip
dc.creatorNonić, Marina
dc.creatorŠijačić-Nikolić, Mirjana
dc.creatorVilotić, Dragica
dc.creatorŠumarac, Predrag
dc.creatorMaksimović, Filip
dc.description.abstractThe main long-term goal of conservation and sustainable development of National Park (NP) „Kopaonik” is to conserve and improve the natural values, including forest genetic resources. It is located in central Serbia, covering an area of 11,969.04 ha. One of the 13 localities with the first protection regime is „Jelak” (60.39 ha, 1000-1490 m a.s.l.). This research aimed to identify rare, endangered, relict, endemic, or species „at-risk” at the locality „Jelak”, as a basis for proposing a program for its conservation. Its main value is a presence of a mixed forest of yew and fir. By terrain reconnaissance, a total of 13 forest tree species were recorded, among which Ulmus glabra (rare), Betula pendula (rare/endangered), Populus tremula („at-risk“), and Taxus baccata (relict), which indicates a significant diversity. In addition, 14 species were recorded in the shrub layer, among which Acer heldreichii (endemic) and Acer platanoides (rare/ endangered). English yew (Taxus baccata L.) is a very rare species that occurs only in the locality „Jelak” in the entire area of NP „Kopaonik”. This species is under varying degrees of nature conservation in different European countries, and it is categorized on the European Red List Category and Criteria („least concerning”). Since it is considered a tertiary relict in the forest fund of Serbia, it is important to conserve the available gene pool. Based on the results, measures of in situ conservation and monitoring of the Taxus baccata population and all identified rare and endangered species at the locality „Jelak” have been
dc.publisherFaculty of Forestry, University of Banja Lukasr
dc.sourceBook of abstracts - International Scientific Conference "Forestry Science for Sustainable Development - FORS2D", Perspectives of forestry and related sectors as drivers of sustainable development in the post-Covid era, Banja Luka, the Republic of Srpska / Bosnia and Herzegovina 29–30 September 2022sr
dc.subjectTaxus baccatasr
dc.subjectrelict and endangered speciessr
dc.subjectin situ conservationsr
dc.subjectprotected areassr
dc.titleConservation of forest genetic resources at the locality „Jelak ” in the National Park „Kopaonik" - Serbiasr

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