Prikaz rezultata 31-50 od 83

      Light as a constituent of icon painting: chemical, physical, physiological and theological aspects [1]
      Magnetic and electric properties of ceramic composite materials based on nikel-zinc ferrite and barium titanate obtained by the auto-combustion route [1]
      Magnetna i električna svojstva keramičkih kompozitnih materijala na bazi nikl-cink-ferita i barijum-titanata dobijenih postupkom auto-sagorevanja [1]
      Modification of alginate, cellulose and xylan from plant cell wall, with phenolic compоunds and amines, for obtaining hydrogels [1]
      Modifikacija alginata, celuloze i ksilana iz ćelijskog zida biljaka, fenolnim jedinjenjima i aminima, za dobijanje hidrogelova [1]
      Morfološka i genetička diferencijacija kečige (Acipenser ruthenus L.) u srednjem i donjem toku Dunava [1]
      Morphological and genetic differentiation of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) from the middle and lower Danube section [1]
      Određivanje sadržaja proteina i fenola u uzorcima meda kao indikatora uticaja faktora stresa na pčelinja društva [1]
      Populaciona dinamika i ekotoksikologija crnog američkog patuljastog soma (Ameiurus melas Rafinesque, 1820) u Savskom jezeru [1]
      Populaciona dinamika, ishrana i ekotoksikologija velikog kormorana Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758) na Carskoj bari [1]
      Population dynamic and and ecotoxicology of the black bullhead (Ameiurus melas Rafinesque, 1820) in Sava Lake [1]
      Population dynamics, diet and ecotoxicology of the GreatCormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Carska bara marshland [1]
      Primena multivarijacione analize u spektroskopskim podacima [1]
      Principi i istorija odnosa arhitekture i akustike [1]
      Principles and history of the relatedness of architecture and acoustics. [1]
      Procena kvaliteta površinske vode na osnovu mikrobioloških parametara i ekogenotoksikoloških i histopatoloških analiza tkiva deverike Abramis brama (L., 1758) , krupatice Blicca bjoerkna (L., 1758) i crnooke deverike Ballerus sapa (P., 1814) [1]
      Procesiranje, svojstva i mogućnost primene multiferoičnih materijala na bazi bizmut-ferita [1]
      Processing, properties and application of bismuth ferrite-based multiferroic materials. [1]
      Properties of high-temperature proton conductors based on barium cerium indium oxide [1]
      Protection against erosion and torrential floods as an element of the environmental protection system in the city of Belgrade [1]