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Impact of ice ages on phylogeographic patterns of forest bird species: Phylloscopus collybita, Prunella modularis and Certhia familiaris

dc.contributor.advisorPetrović, Anđeljko
dc.contributor.otherSkorić, Stefan
dc.contributor.otherPlećaš, Milan
dc.creatorRaković, Marko
dc.description.abstractizolaciju populacija u refugijumima za vreme glacijalnih maksimuma, i nakon toga rekolonizaciju šireg dela Evropskog kontinenta za vreme povlačenja lednika. Da bi se ova paradigma testirala, analizirani su filogenetski obrasci unutar tri šumske vrste ptica (Phylloscopus collybita, Prunella modularis i Certhia familiaris) koje su rasprostranjene širom Evroazije. Obrasci geografske varijacije jednog mitohondrijalnog i jednog nuklearnog gena su analizirani kod običnog zviždka (P. collybita). Kod običnog popića (P. modularis) u istraživanjima je korišćen jedan mitohondrijalni gen i 10 nuklearnih gena, dok kod kratkokljunog puzića (C. familiaris) tri mitohondrijalna i tri nuklearna gena. Analiza mitohondrijalnog gena kod običnog zviždka je pokazala postojanje šest filogenetskih linija koje odgovaraju postojećim podvrstama. Kod običnog popića, analize mitohondrijalnog gena, kao i analize nuklearnih gena i razgraničavanja podvrsta su ukazale na postojanje tri odvojene evolutivne linije: jedna je rasprostranjena na prostoru Pirinejskog poluostrva, druga na području Kavkaza i treća na području Apeninskog, Balkanskog poluostrva i ostatka Evrope. Kratkokljuni puzić se sastoji od dve filogenetske linije koje su se razdvojile u srednjem Pleistocenu: jedna paleoendemična koja ima alopatričko rasprostranjenje ograničeno na ostrvo Korzika i region Kavkaza i drugu, mlađu i široko rasprostranjenu, koja je prisutna u većem delu Evroazije i severnog dela Kine. Rezultati dobijeni u ovom istraživanju naglašavaju značaj glacijacija u oblikovanju evolucione istorije sve tri istraživane vrste ptica na prostoru
dc.description.abstractHewitt’s paradigm for effects of Pleistocene glaciations on European populations assumes their isolation in peninsular refugia during glacial maxima, followed by recolonization of broader Europe during interstadials. To test this paradigm, we analyzed the phylogenetic relationships within three forest bird species (Phylloscopus collybita, Prunella modularis and Certhia familiaris) which ranges includes parts of Eurasia. For Common Chiffchaff (P. collybita) the patterns of intraspecific geographic variation in one mitochondrial and one nuclear gene were analyzed, for Dunnock (P. modularis) one mitochondrial and 10 nuclear genes and for Eurasian Treecreeper (C. familiaris) three mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. Common Chiffchaff subspecies were differentiated in their mtDNA, and formed six distinct mtDNA lineages. Regarding Dunnock, mtDNA gene tree, multilocus species tree and species delimitation analyses indicate the presence of three distinct lineages: one in the Iberian refugium, one in the Caucasus refugium, and one comprising the Italian and Balkan refugia and broader Europe. Eurasian Treecreeper comprises of two lineages that diverged during the mid-Pleistocene: one palaeoendemic lineage has an allopatric range nowadays restricted to the Corsica Island and the Caucasus region whereas the second one, more recent and widespread, is distributed over most of Eurasia and in northern China. Results obtained in this study highlight the importance of glaciations in shaping the evolutionary history of these three forest bird species in Eurasia.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Biološki fakultet
dc.subjectšumske vrste pticasr
dc.subjectPrunella modularissr
dc.subjectPhylloscopus collybitasr
dc.subjectnuklearni genisr
dc.subjectmitohondrijalni genisr
dc.subjectledeno dobasr
dc.subjectCerthia familiarissr
dc.subjectPrunella modularisen
dc.subjectPhylloscopus collybitaen
dc.subjectnuclear genesen
dc.subjectmitochondrial genesen
dc.subjectice ageen
dc.subjectforest bird speciesen
dc.subjectCerthia familiarisen
dc.titleUticaj ledenih doba na filogeografske obrasce šumskih ptica: Phylloscopus collybita, Prunella modularis i Certhia familiarissr
dc.titleImpact of ice ages on phylogeographic patterns of forest bird species: Phylloscopus collybita, Prunella modularis and Certhia familiarisen



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