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Growth characteristics of Italian alder (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) in linear plantations at Fruška Gora (Serbia)

dc.creatorBobinac, Martin
dc.creatorAndrašev, Siniša
dc.creatorŠušić, Nikola
dc.creatorBauer Zivkovic, Andrijana
dc.creatorJorgić, Đura
dc.description.abstractU radu su prikazani elementi rasta stabala u linijskim nasadima talijanske johe (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) u starosti 11 i 16 godina i crne johe (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) u starosti 100 godina u sličnim stanišnim uvjetima na Fruškoj gori (Srbija). Nasadi su osnovani na antropogeno izmijenjenom staništu lužnjaka i graba u potočnoj dolini, na nadmorskoj visini oko 120 m. Talijanska joha predstavlja novounijetu vrstu u Srbiju 2004. godine, a nasad crne johe je u kategoriji najstarijih nasada te vrste na Fruškoj gori. Komparacija elemenata rasta stabala talijanske johe u starosti 16 godina, kada je srednja i dominantna visina stabala iznosila 19,5 i 21,0 m, a srednji i dominantni promjer na prsnoj visini 47,0 i 59,4 cm, i elemenata rasta stabala crne johe u starosti 100 godina na istom lokalitetu, gdje je srednja i dominantna visina stabala iznosila 24,0 i 25,2 m, a srednji i dominantni promjer na prsnoj visini 48,7 i 62,1 cm, ukazala je da su promjeri talijanske johe oko 95%, a visine oko 81% od vrijednosti istih elementa rasta kod crne johe. Izvedeni elementi rasta nasada (na bazi preračuna da se po hektaru nalazi 200 stabala) ukazuju da veličina temeljnice oko 35 m2•ha−1 i volumena nasada oko 300 m3∙ha−1 kod talijanske johe u starosti 16 godina iznose oko 90% od istih veličina kod crne johe u starosti 100 godina. Na osnovu početnih rezultata uzgoja talijanska joha može predstavljati potencijalno primjenjivu vrstu: kao brzorastuća u šumskim plantažama i dekorativna u urbanim područjima.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper presents the growth characteristics of trees in linear plantations of Italian alder (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) at ages 11 and 16 years and black alder (Alnus glutinosa /L./Gaertn.) at age 100 years in similar site conditions at Fruška Gora (Serbia). The plantations were raised on anthropogenically modified site of pedunculate oak and European hornbeam in a stream valley at 120 m above sea level. Italian alder was recently introduced species in Serbia (in 2004) while the black alder plantation is one of the oldest of that kind at Fruška Gora. A comparison of growth characteristics of Italian and black alder was performed. In Italian alder, mean and dominant height were 19.5 and 21.0 m and mean and dominant diameter at breast height 47.0 and 59.4 cm at age 16 years. In black alder, at age 100 years, mean and dominant height of the trees was 24.0 and 25.2 m and mean and dominant diameter at breast height 48.7 and 62.1 cm. This shows that the diameters of Italian alder are around 95% of that of black alder and 81% of that of black alder in terms of height growth. On the basis of the calculation that there are 200 trees per hectare in the plantations, the basal area is around 35 m2•ha−1 and standing volume around 300 m3∙ha−1in Italian alder at age 16 years, that is around 90% of the same growth characteristics in black alder at age 100 years. The initial results of growing Italian alder show that the species can be used as a fast-growing tree species in plantations and as decorative tree species in urban areas.sr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/43010/RS//sr
dc.sourceGlasilo Futuresr
dc.subjectvisinska i debljinska strukturasr
dc.subjectdiameter and height distributionsr
dc.titleElementi rasta stabala talijanske (Alnus cordata/Loisel./Duby) i crne johe (Alnus glutinosa/L./Gaertn.) u linijskim nasadima na Fruškoj gori (Srbija)sr
dc.titleGrowth characteristics of Italian alder (Alnus cordata /Loisel./ Duby) and black alder (Alnus glutinosa /L./ Gaertn.) in linear plantations at Fruška Gora (Serbia)sr



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