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Chemical Composition of Essential Oils and Compounds with Anthelmintic Potential

dc.creatorŠtrbac, Filip
dc.creatorStojanović, Dragica
dc.creatorRatajac, Radomir
dc.description.abstractNeracionalna upotreba komercijalnih antihelmintika je dovela do razvoja antihelmintičke rezistencije kod mnogih vrsta endoparazita domaćih životinja. Zbog toga se intenzivno istražuju potencijalne alternative, među kojima često i etarska ulja različitih biljaka. Etarska ulja predstavljaju sekundarne metabolite biljaka sa veoma složenim hemijskim sastavom koji najčešće obuhvata veliki broj jedinjenja različitih hemijskih grupa. Najčešće su u pitanju različita terpenska, terpenoidna ili fenilpropanoidna jedinjenja od kojih je veliki broj i identifikovan, pri čemu je važno napomenuti da hemijski sastav etarskih ulja može da varira u zavisnosti od mnogo endogenih i egzogenih faktora. Poznata su mnogobrojna lekovita svojstva etarskih ulja, među kojima i antimikrobno, antiinflamatorno, antioksidativno dejstvo, zbog čega su ovi biljni proizvodi svoju primenu našli u terapiji mnogobrojnih oboljenja. U različitim in vitro i in vivo ispitivanjima je kod mnogih etarskih ulja dokazan i antihelmintički potencijal, a koji potiče od različitih jedinjenja koja ulaze u njihov sastav. Među ovim sastojcima se posebno ističu karvakrol, timol, anetol, cinamaldehid, karvon, limonen, pinen, terpinen, kariofilen, cimen, linalool, geraniol, mentol, borneol, citral, kamfor, eukaliptol, eugenol i mnogi drugi. Njihov izolovani antihelmintički potencijal je takođe potvrđen u mnogim istraživanjima, a ispitane su i njihove različite sinergističke kombinacije. Prisustvo velikog broja jedinjenja sa različitim mehanizmom delovanja pored efikasnosti govori u prilog i manjoj mogućnosti razvoja rezistencije kod samih parazita, a s obzirom da su u pitanju prirodni preparati, i manjoj toksičnosti za životinje u poređenju sa sintetskim preparatima. Zbog toga etarska ulja i njihovi sastojci predstavljaju obećavajuću alternativu u rešenju problema antihelmintičke rezistencije.sr
dc.description.abstractThe irrational use of commercial anthelmintics has led to the development of anthelmintic resistance in many species of domestic animals endoparasites. Therefore, potential alternatives, such as the essential oils of various plants, are being intensively explored. Essential oils are secondary metabolites of plants with a very complex chemical composition that usually includes a large number of compounds of different chemical groups. These are usually various terpene, terpenoid or phenylpropanoid compounds, many of which have been identified, whereby it is important to note that the chemical composition of essential oils can vary depending on many endogenous and exogenous factors. There are numerous documented medicinal attributes of essential oils, including antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which is why these herbal products have found their application in the treatment of many diseases. In various in vitro and in vivo examinations, essential oils have been shown to have anthelmintic potential, which originates from various compounds that are part of their chemical composition. Among these ingredients, carvacrol, thymol, anethole, cinnamaldehyde, limonene, pinene, terpinene, caryophyllene, cymene, linalool, gernaiol, menthol, borneol, citral, camphor, eucalyptol, eugenol and many others stand out. Their isolated anthelmintic potential has also been confirmed in many studies, and their various synergistic combinations have been investigated. In addition to an increase in efficiency, the presence of a large number of compounds with different mechanisms of action can contribute also to less possibility of the development of resistant helminth strains. Also, the natural origin of essential oils can contribute to their less toxicity to animals compared to synthetic preparations. Therefore, it can be concluded that essential oils and their ingredients represent a promising alternative in combating anthelmintic resistance.sr
dc.publisherPoljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu; Udruženje veterinara praktičara Srbije (UVPS)sr
dc.sourceZbornik radova Zdravstvena zaštita i reprodukcija životinjasr
dc.subjectetarska uljasr
dc.subjectessential oilssr
dc.titleHemijski sastav etarskih ulja i jedinjenja sa antihelmintičkim potencijalomsr
dc.titleChemical Composition of Essential Oils and Compounds with Anthelmintic Potentialsr



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