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Changes in Hematological and Biochemical Parameters of Canine Blood During Long-term Use of Ivermectin for the Treatment of Heartworm Disease

dc.creatorNikolić, Sandra
dc.creatorStojanović, Dragica
dc.creatorCincović, Marko
dc.creatorMajkić, Mira
dc.creatorDošenović Marinković, Maja
dc.creatorSpasojević, Jovan
dc.creatorGalić, Ivan
dc.creatorŠtrbac, Filip
dc.creatorKovačević, Dražen
dc.identifier.issn0546-8264 (print)
dc.identifier.issn2560-3183 (online)
dc.description.abstractIvermektin je antiparazitski lek koji pripada familiji makrocikličnih laktona. Veoma je efikasan protiv endo- i ekto- parazita u niskim dozama, a u poslednje vreme se najčešće upotrebljava u prevenciji i lečenju bolesti srčanog crva. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi da li se prilikom dugotrajne primene ivermektina, u dozama od 10 μg/kg t.m., u lečenju pasa od srčanog crva javljaju promene u hematološkim i biohemijskim parametrima koje se mogu pripisati dejstvu leka. Studija je obuhvatala pse koji su primali ivermektin parenteralno na svake dve nedelje tokom šest meseci u terapiji srčanog crva. Krv je uzorkovana u momentu dijagnostikovanja bolesti kod psa, pre početka terapije, a zatim prilikom kontrolnog testiranja nakon završenih šest meseci terapije. Aplikacija ivermektina dva puta mesečno u dozi od 10 μg/kg t.m. u trajanju od šest meseci u cilju lečenja bolesti srčanog crva kod pasa dovodi do značajnog variranja pojedinih parametara posle terapije u odnosu na pre početka terapije. U hematološkom profilu ukupan broj limfocita i RDW pokazuju najveću varijabilnost koja se može pripisati dejstvu leka (53,33%). Zatim slede monociti (46,66%), hematokrit (40%), eritrociti i hemoglobin (33,33%), MCH i trombociti (26,66%) i na kraju leukociti, MCHC i neutrofili (13,33%). U biohemijskom profilu, variranje koje se može pripisati leku se javilo kod 60% pasa za parametre kreatinin, AST, trigliceridi i kalcijum, 46,66% za fosfor, 40% za ALT, 33,33% za ureu, 26,66% za ukupne proteine, 20% za albumine i 13,33% za glukozu, bilirubin, ALP i holesterol. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je potrebno kontrolisati životinje prilikom dugotrajne primene ivermektina, obavestiti vlasnike o efektima leka tokom dugotrajne primene, a takođe treba razmotriti i upotrebu suplemenata koji ublažavaju neželjene efekte leka.sr
dc.description.abstractIvermectin is an antiparasitic medicine that belongs to the macrocyclic lactone family. It is highly effective against endo- and ecto- parasites at low doses, and lately it is most widely used in the treatment and prophylaxis of canine heartworm disease. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is the occurrence of changes in hematological and biochemical blood parameters due to the long-term application of ivermectin, at doses of 10 μg/kg b.w., in heartworm disease treatment, that can be attributed to the effect of the medicine. This study was conducted on dogs with heartworm disease that received ivermectin twice a month for six months. Blood was collected at the moment of diagnosis, before treatment and after six months of therapy. The results showed that application of ivermectin twice a month, at doses of 10 μg/kg b.w., during a six-month period of heartworm treatment, induced significant variability of the certain parameters after the treatment in regard to before the treatment. The greatest variability in hematological findings that can be attributed to the effects of medicine was shown by total lymphocyte count and RDW (53.33%), monocyte count (46.66%), hematocrit (40%), total red blood cells count and hemoglobin (33.33%), MCH and platelets (26.66%), total white blood cells count, MCHC and neutrophils (13.33%), respectively. The variation that can be associated with the effects of ivermectin in biochemical parameters was demonstrated in 60% of the dogs for the parameters creatinine, AST, triglycerides and calcium, 46.66% phosphorus, 40% ALT, 33.33% urea, 26.66% total protein, 20% albumin, 13.33% glucose, bilirubin, ALP and cholesterol, respectively. These results point out that better control of animals should be provided during long-term use of ivermectin, also that the owners should be thoroughly informed about the effects of the medicine and that some consideration should be given to the use of supplements which could ease the side effects of ivermectin.sr
dc.publisherPoljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Novom Sadusr
dc.sourceLetopis Naučnih Radovasr
dc.subjecthematološki i biohemijski parametrisr
dc.subjectbolest srčanog crvasr
dc.subjecthematological and biochemical parameterssr
dc.subjectheartworm diseasesr
dc.titlePromene u hematološkim i biohemijskim parametrima krvi pasa prilikom dugotrajne primene ivermektina u cilju lečenja bolesti srčanog crvasr
dc.titleChanges in Hematological and Biochemical Parameters of Canine Blood During Long-term Use of Ivermectin for the Treatment of Heartworm Diseasesr



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