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Protein and phenol content in honey samples as indicators of the influence of stress factors on honey bee colonies

dc.contributor.advisorNatić, Maja
dc.contributor.otherRadotić, Ksenija
dc.contributor.otherManojlović, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherPolović, Natalija
dc.contributor.otherStevanović, Jevrosima
dc.creatorStanković, Mira
dc.description.abstractPredmet rada ove doktorske disertacije je razvoj analitičkih postupaka za praćenje relativnog sadržajaukupnih proteina i ukupnih fenola u različitim uzorcima meda radi procene uticaja biotičkog stresa napčelinja društva usled zaraze parazitima Varroa destructor i Nosema ceranae.Pored proizvodnje meda, pčele imaju veoma važnu ulogu u oprašivanju biljaka. Poslednjihgodina u svetu dolazi do znatnog smanjenja pčelinjih društava, a jedan od razloga zbog kog dolazi doove pojave su bolesti pčela. U literaturi je malo podataka o kvalitetu meda koji potiče iz pčelinjihzajednica izloženih biotičkom stresu.U cilju nalaženja indikatora u medu za procenu stepena zaraženosti pčelinjih društava,prikupljeni su uzorci meda iz košnica zaraženih varoom i nozemom, a zatim analizirani odabranimbiohemijskim i fizičkohemijskim metodama. Određena je vrsta i stepen infekcije košnica pčelinjihdruštava iz kojih su prikupljeni uzorci meda. Polenskom analizom je određena botanička vrsta meda inije utvrđena direktna veza između prisustva i koncentracije polena u uzorcima meda i stepenazaraženosti košnica. Uzorci meda su okarakterisani fizičkohemijskim metodama. Određeni suspecifična optička rotacija, električna provodljivost, sadržaj vlage, slobodna kiselost i sadržajpojedinačnih šećera. Profil šećera u uzorcima meda određen je visokoefikasnom jonskomhromatografijom sa elektrohemijskom detekcijom (HPAEC-PAD). Analiza glavnih komponenata(PCA) je upotreblјena za utvrđivanje razlika između medova koji potiču iz košnica različitog stepenazaraženosti na osnovu dobijenih fizičkohemijskih parametara. Rezultati analize glavnih komponenatasu pokazali da sa porastom infekcije košnica u uzorcima meda raste sadržaj vode dok slobodna kiselost,apsolutna vrednost specifične optičke rotacije i električna provodljivost opadaju. Veći sadržaj fruktoze,melbioze i melezitoze izmeren je u uzorcima meda iz košnica višeg stepena infekcije u odnosu nauzorke meda koji potiču iz košnica manje zaraženosti. Sadržaj glukoze i izomaltoze bio je veći uuzorcima meda koji potiču od pčelinjih društava manje zaraženosti u odnosu na uzorke meda iz košnicaveće zaraženosti.U cilju ispitivanja varijacije sadržaja biljnih i pčelinjih proteina u medu primenjene suelektroforetska analiza i određivanje aktivnosti enzima. Pomoću natrijum dodecilsulfat poliakrilamidgel elektroforeze (SDS PAGE) nije utvrđena značajna razlika u proteinskom profilu analiziranihuzoraka. Stoga je primenjena spektrofotometrijska metoda određivanja aktivnosti specifičnih enzima,katalaze i dijastaze, kao biljnog odnosno pčelinjeg marker enzima. Rezultati korelacione analize supokazali da je stepen zaraze košnica u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa aktivnošću katalaze i može bitipotencijalno koristan indikator za skrining meda poreklom iz košnica zaraženih varoom i nozemom.Pored toga, nije utvrđena promena u aktivnosti dijastaze u uzorcima meda čije je poreklo od društavakoja su zaražena.Fluorescentna spektroskopija u kombinaciji sa naprednim statističkim metodamamultivarijaciona rezolucija krivih – naizmenični najmanji kvadrati (MCR-ALS) i paralelna faktorskaanaliza (PARAFAC) je korišćena za određivanje relativnog sadržaja proteina i fenola u uzorcima meda...sr
dc.description.abstractProtein and phenol content in honey samples as indicators of theinfluence of stress factors on honey bee coloniesAbstractThe subject of this doctoral dissertation is the development of analytical procedures for monitoring therelative content of total proteins and total phenols in different honey samples to assess the impact ofbiotic stress on honey bee colonies due infected with parasites Varroa destructor and Nosema ceranae.In addition to honey production, bees have very important role in pollinating plants. Inrecent years, there has been a significant decrease in bee colonies in the world and one of the reasonswhy this phenomenon occurs is bee diseases. In the literature, the data are not abundant on the honeyquality change related to bee colonies exposure to biotic stress.In order to find markers in honey to assess the degree of infection of bee colonies, honeysamples were collected from hives infected with parasites V. destructor and N. ceranae parasites andanalyzed by selected biochemical and physicochemical methods. The type and degree of infection ofbee colonies related to the analyzed honey samples were determined. Pollen analysis has proved thebotanical type of honey samples and it was observed that the presence and concentration of pollen inhoney samples were not correlated with the infestation of hives. Honey samples were characterized byphysicochemical methods. Specific optical rotation, electrical conductivity, moisture content, freeacidity, and sugar content were determined to obtain additional characteristics of honey samples. Sugarprofile in honey samples was determined by high performance anion exchange chromatography withpulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD). Principal component analysis (PCA) was used todetermine differences between honey samples originating from the hives with different infection levels.The obtained results showed that in hives with the increase of infection, in honey samples the watercontent increased, while the free acidity, the absolute value of the specific optical rotation, and theelectrical conductivity decreased. The higher content of fructose, melbiosis and melezitose wasobserved in honey samples from the hives with a higher degree of infection in comparison with honeysamples from the hives with the lower infection degree. Glucose and isomaltose content was higher inhoney samples originating from the bee colonies less infected compared to honey samples from thehives with the higher infection.In order to investigate variations in the content of plant and bee protein markers in honey,biochemical methods such as electrophoretic analysis and determination of enzyme activity wereapplied. Using sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE), no significantdifference was found in the protein profile of the analyzed honey samples. Therefore, thespectrophotometric method was applied for determination of the activity of specific enzymes, catalaseand diastase, as plant and bee marker enzymes, respectively. The results of correlation analysis showedthat the colonies’ infestation level was positively correlated with the activity of catalase which can be auseful indicator for screening of honey originating from beehives infested by V. destructor and N.ceranae. On the other hand, no change in diastase activity was found in honey samples obtained frominfected societies.Fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with advanced statistical methods MultivariateCurve Resolution - Alternating Least Squares (MCR-ALS) and Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC)was used to determine the relative protein and phenol content in honey samples...en
dc.publisherУниверзитет у Београду, Хемијски факултетsr
dc.sourceУниверзитет у Београдуsr
dc.subjectmedonosna pčela (Apis mellifera); med; Varroa destructor; Nosema ceranae;fluorescentna spektroskopija; fenoli; proteinisr
dc.subjecthoney bee (Apis mellifera); honey; Varroa destructor; Nosema ceranae; fluorescencespectroscopy; phenols; proteinsen
dc.titleOdređivanje sadržaja proteina i fenola u uzorcima meda kao indikatora uticaja faktora stresa na pčelinja društvasr
dc.title.alternativeProtein and phenol content in honey samples as indicators of the influence of stress factors on honey bee coloniesen



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