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Morphological and genetic differentiation of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) from the middle and lower Danube section

dc.contributor.advisorAdnađević, Tanja
dc.contributor.otherMarić, Saša
dc.contributor.otherMarić, Saša
dc.contributor.otherJojić, Vida
dc.contributor.otherAdnađević, Tanja
dc.creatorCvijanović, Gorčin
dc.description.abstractKečiga (Acipenser ruthenus L., 1758) predstavlja potamodromnu jesetarsku vrstu, koja naseljava reke u slivovima Crnog, Azovskog, Kaspijskog, Baltičkog, Belog, Barencovog i Kara mora. Značajan pad brojnosti usled izlova tokom XX veka doveo je do potrebe za boljom zaštitom, pa je na IUCN Crvenoj listi ugroženih vrsta, kečiga svrstana među ranjive vrste (VU). Radi ispitivanja morfološke i genetičke diferencijacije kečige u srednjem i donjem toku Dunava, uzorkovano je 95 jedinki iz tri populacije, od kojih dve iz Srbije (Novi Kneževac na Tisi i Bačka Palanka na Dunavu) i jedna populacija iz Rumunije (Grindu na Dunavu). Međupopulaciona varijabilnost spoljašnje morfologije (promene veličine i oblika tela i glavenog regiona) analizirana je primenom metoda geometrijske morfometrije. Uni- i multivarijatnom analizom varijanse utvrđeno je postojanje statistički značajnih razlika u veličini i obliku analiziranih morfoloških celina između jedinki sa različitih lokaliteta. Kanonijska diskriminantna analiza (CVA) ukupne varijabilnosti oblika, kod lateralnog i ventralnog prikaza tela i lateralnog prikaza glavenog regiona, pokazala je da se po prvoj osi razdvaja populacija iz Rumunije od populacija iz Srbije. Na nivou ventralne perspektive tela, kao i na nivou obe perspektive glave utvrđen je statistički značajan efekat alometrije na ukupnu varijabilnost oblika. Na osnovu CVA nealometrijske komponente varijabilnosti oblika tela (ventralna perspektiva) i glavenog regiona (lateralna i ventralna perspektiva) utvrđeno je da po prvoj osi postoji razdvajanje jedinki iz Rumunije u odnosu na jedinke iz Srbije. Takođe, CVA nealometrijske komponente varijabilnosti oblika glavenog regiona u obe perspektive ukazuje na mogućnost da kečige iz Srbije (naročito one iz Tise) odgovaraju kratkoriloj, dok kečige iz Rumunije odgovaraju dugoriloj formi. Upotrebom mitohondrijske DNK i mikrosatelita kao molekularno-genetičkih markera, detektovan je značajan nivo diverziteta (13 haplotipova, prosečan broj alela po lokusu i populaciji 4.3 – 4.9 i dobijena heterozigotnost 0.577 – 0.648) ali ne i jasna diferencijacija između populacija...sr
dc.description.abstractSterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L., 1758) is a potamodromus sturgeon species, which inhabits river stretches of Black, Azov, Caspian, Baltic, White, Barents and Kara sea drainages. Sterlet experienced a decline during 20th century, which led to necessity for better protection, and inclusion on IUCN Red List of endangered species as a vulnerable species (VU). То analyse morphological and genetic differentiation of sterlet in Middle and Lower Danube sections, 95 specimens were sampled from three populations, two from Serbia (Novi Kneževac on Tisza River and Bačka Palanka on Danube River) and one from Romania (Grindu on Danube River). Variability of external morphology (size and shape variation of body and head region) was examined using geometric morphometric methods. Statistically significant interpopulation differences in size and shape of analyzed morphological structures were found. Canonical variate analysis (CVA) of overall shape variation (for lateral and ventral views of body and for lateral view of head region) showed that first CV axis separated Romanian sample from Serbian samples. Statistically significant effect of alometry was observed for ventral view of the body, as well as for lateral and ventral views of the head. CVA of non-allometric component of shape variation for body in ventral view and for head in lateral and ventral views showed separation of Romanian population from Serbian populations. Also, non-allometric shape changes of head in lateral and ventral views correspond to shape differences between blunt-snout and pointed-snout sterlet morphs. Use of mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers, showed significant level of diversity (13 haplotypes, allelic richness range from 4.3 to 4.9, observed heterozygosity from 0.577 to 0.648). Genetic analysis (mtDNA and microsatellite) showed lack of clear population differentiation. Additionally, five new haplotypes were detected, while eight previously described haplotypes had extended their previous range. Analysis of molecular variance indicated that the genetic variance could be attributed almost entirely to individuals from same populations and that interpopulation variability was absent. Samples from the Danube River were most divergent (FST=0.038), while lowest FST (0.018) was observed between samples from Serbia (Tisza and Danube River)...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Biološki fakultet
dc.subjectgeometrijska morfometrijasr
dc.subjectgenetička varijabilnostsr
dc.subjectAcipenser ruthenussr
dc.subjectgeometric morphometricsen
dc.subjectgenetic variabilityen
dc.subjectAcipenser ruthenusen
dc.titleMorfološka i genetička diferencijacija kečige (Acipenser ruthenus L.) u srednjem i donjem toku Dunavasr
dc.titleMorphological and genetic differentiation of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus L.) from the middle and lower Danube sectionen



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