Приказ резултата 3134-3153 од 3377

      Učešće invazivnih neofita u strukturi mladih sastojina u NP ,,Fruška gora” [1]
      Udžbenik „Apsolutno merenje“ Đorđa Stanojevića [1]
      Ugroženost šumskih ekosistema teškim metalima na području Nacionalnog parka „Fruška gora [1]
      Uklanjanje fenola i tekstilnih boja iz otpadnih voda imobilizovanim peroksidazama iz rena (Armoracia rusticana) i gljive bele truleži (Phanerochaete chrysosporium) [1]
      Uloga i metabolizam bakra u hipokampusnoj sklerozi asociranoj sa epilepsijom temporalnog režnja kod čoveka [1]
      Uloga međumolekulskih interakcija u kristalnom pakovanju 3-izopropil i 3-ciklopropil derivata fenitoina [1]
      Uloga silicijuma u prevazilaženju nedostatka gvožđa kod krastavca (Cucumis sativus L.) [1]
      Ultra-high breakdown field varistors prepared from individually synthesized nanoprecursors [1]
      Ultra-low Pt loading catalyst on (Nb–Ti)2AlC support as advanced material for low-temperature fuel cell application [1]
      Ultra-thin layers of iridium electrodeposited on Ti2AlC support as cost effective catalysts for hydrogen production by water electrolysis [1]
      Ultrasonic synthesis and characterization of mesoporous monoclinic BiVO4 nanopowder [1]
      Ultraviolet-B component of sunlight stimulates photosynthesis and flavonoid accumulation in variegated Plectranthus coleoides leaves depending on background light [1]
      Understanding the Effect of Synthesis and Sintering Temperature on the Functional Properties of Barium Titanate/ Cobalt Ferrite Composites [1]
      Unique example of European wild pear (Pyrus pyraster (L.) Burgsd.) in the territory of Belgrade—,,Topčider pear” [1]
      Unique structural and transport properties of molybdenum chalcohalide nanowires [1]
      Unravelling migration connectivity reveals unsustainable hunting of the declining ortolan bunting [1]
      Updated functional segregation of retinal ganglion cell projections in the tectum of a cyprinid fishfurther elaboration based on microelectrode recordings [1]
      Upgraded Two-Step-Scaling Approach to the DTB Characterization of Ferritic Steels [1]
      Uporedna analiza promene impedanse višeslojnih čip induktora i malih jezgara sa više otvora u EMI opsegu [1]
      Uporedna analiza rasta sadnica roda Paulownia u eksperimentalnom zasadu na teritoriji opštine Sombor [1]