Укупан број посета

Optimisation of the microdilution method for detection of minimum inhibitory concentration values in selected bacteria426
Isopiestic determination of the osmotic and activity coefficients of the {yMg(NO3)(2) + (1-y)MgSO4}(aq) system at T=298.15 K406
Multifunctional nanodevice based on Ti2O397
Magnetic spinel ferrite nanoparticles from synthesis to biomedical applications381
Genetic structure and phylogeography of a European flagship species, the white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla358
Promene u hematološkim i biohemijskim parametrima krvi pasa prilikom dugotrajne primene ivermektina u cilju lečenja bolesti srčanog crva350
Mineral nutrition, yield, and source-sink relationships343
In situ detection of the genotoxic potential as one of the lines of evidence in the weight-of-evidence approach—the Joint Danube Survey 4 Case Study326
Relationship between mineral nutrition, plant diseases, and pests308
KIT-5-Assisted Synthesis of Mesoporous SnO2 for High-Performance Humidity Sensors with a Swift Response/Recovery Speed298